MATLAB: GUI GUIDE Error with Map


I'm trying to insert a map into the GUI GUIDE and I'm getting the error:
"Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback"
The map does work when I run it standalone in the command
window but when I push the button in GUIDE, it appears then gets
distorted, and then
I get an error.
Here is my code:
function temp_button_Callback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
lat = [80 45 52; 45 46 34]
long = [123 132 123; 120 122 119]
temp = [67 68 69; 71 72 73]
axesm('mercator','MapLatLimit',[-50 90],'MapLonLimit',[0 250])
framem on; gridm on;
load coast;
mlabel on;
plabel on;

Best Answer

You clear long and lat, then immediately try to use them. This is your error. You also rely on Poofing variables into your workspace... This is a very bad habit you should break while the debugging is easy!
lat = [80 45 52; 45 46 34];
long = [123 132 123; 120 122 119];
temp = [67 68 69; 71 72 73];
axesm('mercator','MapLatLimit',[-50 90],'MapLonLimit',[0 250])
framem on; gridm on;
X = load('coast'); % No variable Poofing!!
mlabel on;
plabel on;