MATLAB: GUI for a Simulink realtime workshop model setting values for gain constans etc

controlguiMATLABreal time workshopsimulinksimulink coder

Hi all,
I am currently writing a GUI program in matlab for a simulink real time workshop model. I wish my GUI to control an external plant. I wish the user to be able to edit system variables (such as P I and D of a PID controller) using my GUI. I have had significant difficulty with thus. If this were a non realtime simulink model I would use the following :
options = simset('SrcWorkspace','current');
To set the simulations workspace to be the same as the GUI’s, and then simply create the variables in the workspace that I wished to input into my model. Unfortunately using this method is not possible as it not possible to use the sim() command with a real time system. It is instead run using the commands:
I would be most grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

Go to your document, Real-Time Workshop->External Mode->Using the External Mode User Interface->Parameter Downloading,
There are instructions regarding downloading parameters. If you are not doing batch downloading, you can use set_param() the same way as you do in a normal mode. Pay attention if you want to change parameters for a source block.
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