MATLAB: GUI doesn’t load

gui loadinglinear.model loadproblems loading

I created a GUI which loads some inputdata (Excel) and some Linear fits (M-files), calculates forecasts and with xlswrite writes the output in an Excelfile. My GUI runs great using Matlab, but on a computer without Matlab (for which the GUI is meant), the GUI is not able to load the When compiling the GUI I include the classreg folder and in the GUI M-file I have written %#function LinearModel. And still my GUI will not load the data. The error message I get is:
Warning: While loading an object of class 'classreg.regr.LinearFormula': Undefined variable "internal" or class "internal.stats.PEG"
Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

Solved! When I add the line: %#function internal.stats.PEG
to my .m-file, the GUI doesn't have warnings or errors and it can predict using the!