MATLAB: GUI differences among different users


I created a gui using GUIDE from MATLAB 2009a and got it looking how I want it. Multiple people have tried to use it as well, all from 2009a (from different computers). of the 10 or so people I have talked with, maybe 5 or 6 have the problem where the gui is showing up differently. This means that buttons and other items on the gui are misplaced or misaligned, although the functionality is still there. What can I do to make the gui appear the same for all users?

Best Answer

How are you positioning elements? If you have some elements positioned in absolute locations, but other elements positioned in relative locations, you can get a mess when you display on a screen with a different resolution.
Also if you are positioning all elements relative to the figure size, but you use a fixed font size (instead of changing the font to suit the figure size) then items can look messy.