MATLAB: GUI control, fwrite, and file control


Hi folks,
Pardon my naivete, but I'm having trouble with a GUI. I want to adjust a slider bar, and then fwrite the new value of the slider bar to a file. First, what works.
I can get a file identifier in a function, and pass that identifier to another function to do the actual writing, and then return control to the first file.
function[] = filecreate()
function[] = filewrite(b)
fwrite(b, 'HI');
So, as proof of concept, I should be able to pass the file identifier between functions. Now, onto the sliderbar GUI. I can write to a file if I open, write to, and close a file all within the slider bar callback function.
However, if I open a file outside of the callback and pass the file identifier to the callback, then I can't seem to write to the file.
I get the following error:
??? Error using ==> fwrite -Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Error in ==> practice_slider>ed_call at 32 -fwrite(Speed_temp.file, 'H'); ??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Here is the function calling the GUI
function[] = slidingbarcontrol()
And, here is the GUI.
function[] = practice_slider(file_id)
fwrite(Speed.file,'Hello'); * %This successfully writes to the file*
Speed.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[300 300 300 100],...
'resize','off'); = uicontrol('style','slide',...
'position',[20 10 260 30],...
Speed.ed = uicontrol('style','text',...
'position',[20 50 260 30],...
function [] = ed_call(varargin) %slider callback
[h,Speed_temp] = varargin{[1,3]};
fwrite(Speed_temp.file, 'H'); *%This fwrite causes error.*
switch h
Does anyone have any thoughts??? Thanks much. Tom

Best Answer

The error is occuring because you don't have a uiwait/uiresume in your GUI to pause execution. Thus the file opens, the gui opens, the file closes, you slide and get the error. To fix it, pause execution by intserting a uiwait() at the end of the GUI and a uiresume when you close it.
doc uiwait
doc uiresume
doc waitfor %another approach