MATLAB: GUI check state of radio button in another callback


I have a push button callback, and a selection of radio buttons. Within the push button I want to be able to say
if radio1 selected
% code
else if radio 2 selected
% do
This would naturally have to update whenever the radio button selection was changed.
How would I do this?

Best Answer

if handles.radio1.Value == 1
% code
elseif handles.radio2.Value == 1
% other code
Here I guess, that you work with GUIDE and that the radio buttons got the tags "radio1" and "radio2". You have to adjust this to your real names. If you do not know than, search in GUIDE or set a breakpoint in the callback. Then run the code and display the contents of the handles struct, when Matlab stops.
This would naturally have to update whenever the radio button
selection was changed.
What should be updated? The Value property is equivalent to the current setting automatically. Or do you mean, that the shown callback should be triggered, when the radio buttons are selected?