MATLAB: GUI briefly loading “old” data into graphs upon program initialization

guiguideMATLABmatlab gui

Hi. I have a program that runs through a GUI. When the program loads there is a brief period when it appears to be loading "old" data into figures/graphs. This old data at one point in time had been fed into the program during development. This data was pulled from an external file and then graphed, so I am not sure how it still "remembers" it as the file is no longer in the same directory as the current GUI files. I have the same issue with an old logo that was read from a png file – when the program loads for a second or so the old logo still shows up before all the graphs/figures clear and the current logo loads. Any ideas how to remove this issue? Not sure if pictures will really help, but can provide if needed. thanks! h

Best Answer

The data was in the figure at the time you saved the .fig file, so it will be replotted as the GUI is reinitialized.
You should go back into GUIDE and edit the properties of those axes and save the fig.