MATLAB: Gscatter grouping variable

classify gscattersupervised classification

Hi all,
I need some help with the input parameters of gscatter. I am a beginner so please overlook if my questions are silly.
I am trying to do a supervised classification of Inertial data. My user selects two points (start and end) from a plot, where all the training classes are shown together either the accleration or gyro etc. I save this region and call classify() on this sample. The function gives me a vector denoting to which group of my training this sample belongs. Now I wish to plot this information.
I am using gscatter(T,C,group). T is 1 to the row count of C. C is the result of the classify() i.e it is of the size of the sample prevously chosen and group is vector where the training groups are indicated. For example rows 1-130 has value 1, 131-162 has value 2 and so on. Row count of group is same as that of all training classes summed together.
I get an error, *??? Error using ==> gscatter at 84 There must be one value of G for each row of X. *
Please help.

Best Answer

The idea is that the jth point on the plot is x=T(j) vs y=C(j) with the symbol chosen according to the group value group(j). They should all have the same number of points. If you are subsetting your data to get T and C (I can't tell from your description if that is the case), perhaps you need to subset the group variable the same way.