MATLAB: Grouping sessions by participant number

grouping variablesplotting

Hi there,
I have a 84×1 vector which contains 84 unique session numbers for an experiment. Each session is associated with a specific participant. Each session contains 4 blocks of 50 trials. I have a 8×1 vector of unique participant numbers. Each participant should complete 12 sessions (with the exception of a few who didn't complete the full experiment).
My question is, how do I associate specific session numbers with specific subject numbers so that I can plot a single subject's distribution of responses per each individual session?
Thank you in advance for any help.

Best Answer

Why can't you just make up a 2-D array with 84 rows and 202 columns. First column is the session number, second column is the participant ID number, and columns 2 - 202 are the 200 numbers in 4 blocks of 50. I.e, cols 3 - 52 contain block 1, cols 52 - 102 are block 2, cols 103 - 152 are block 3, and the last 50 columns are block 4.