MATLAB: Grouping repetead values in cells

MATLABrepeated values

Hi, I would like to group repeated values in a new matrix with four cells. As an simple example lets say that I have these two arrays (a,B) plus a new one (NewE) which is the matrix to my outputs:
B=[560800 x 20] %large numerical matrix where the first column contain the same values as in vector "a"
so I think to get the NewB in this simple form whitout using a counter:
for i = 1:length(B)
for j= 1: length(a)
if B(i,1) == a(j,1)
It is obvious that the algoritm doesnt work but the idea was that.
Thank you for your help in advance,

Best Answer

If you want to are trying to separate the rows of matrix B on the basis of values in its column 1, then just use splitapply(),
NewB = splitapply(@(x) {x}, B, findgroups(B(:,1)))
NewB will have the same number of cells as the number of unique elements in B(:,1).
Edit: As stated by @Fernando, that the matrix must be divided into different portions according to the grouping of 1 and 2 in column 1. The following code will work in that case:
index = [0; find(diff(B(:,1))); 20];
portionSize = diff(fliplr(index));
dividedData = mat2cell(B, portionSize, size(B, 2));
you don't need to specify a separate a, the method split the matrix on the basis of consecutive portions in column 1.