MATLAB: Grouping observations according to strng dates with no empties


Dear all,
I have the following matrix named mdata1
OCT 2008' [NaN] [1.4574] [0.4591]
'NOV 2008' [NaN] [1.6081] [0.4998]
'DEC 2008' [NaN] [1.6766] [0.5116]
'JAN 2009' [NaN] [1.5795] [0.4760]
'FEB 2009' [NaN] [1.4387] [0.4379]
'MAR 2009' [NaN] [1.5567] [0.4614]
'APR 2009' [NaN] [1.6339] [0.4978]
'MAY 2009' [NaN] [1.6352] [0.5041]
'JUN 2009' [NaN] [1.7392] [0.5357]
'JUL 2009' [NaN] [1.5257] [0.4884]
'AUG 2009' [NaN] [1.7156] [0.5492]
'SEP 2009' [NaN] [1.6875] [0.5429]
'OCT 2009' [NaN] [1.4765] [0.4690]
'NOV 2009' [NaN] [1.5286] [0.4912]
'DEC 2009' [NaN] [1.5641] [0.5064]
'JAN 2010' [NaN] [1.5505] [0.4984]
'FEB 2010' [NaN] [1.6991] [0.4876]
'MAR 2010' [NaN] [1.6404] [0.4765]
'APR 2010' [NaN] [1.6155] [0.4783]
'MAY 2010' [NaN] [1.6134] [0.4773]
'JUN 2010' [NaN] [1.6587] [0.4810]
'JUL 2010' [NaN] [1.7085] [0.4907]
'AUG 2010' [NaN] [1.8470] [0.5257]
'SEP 2010' [NaN] [1.9507] [0.5615]
'OCT 2010' [NaN] [1.9028] [0.5447]
'NOV 2010' [NaN] [1.9179] [0.5291]
'DEC 2010' [NaN] [1.9390] [0.5459]
'JAN 2011' [NaN] [2.1162] [0.5763]
'FEB 2011' [NaN] [2.1370] [0.5751]
'MAR 2011' [NaN] [2.2240] [0.5968]
And I want to group all the observations that correspond to ' OCT 2008' , then all the observations that correspond to 'NOV 2008' , then all the observations that correspond to 'DEC 2008' and so forth . Similarly for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011
I am trying to use a code similar to the below one
[trash idx] = sortrows([cat(7,mdata1{:,1})datenum(mdata1(:,11),'mmm yyyy')],[2 1]);
zoi= mdata1(idx,:);
but I do not know how to fix it

Best Answer

d=datenum(mdata1(:,1),'mmm yyyy');