MATLAB: Group-wise mean in multi-dimensional array (part II)

group-wise mean in multi-dimensional array

I have a 256*256*515 double array. It represents 515 images by the dimension of 256*256. Along the 515 axis, every 5 images belong to the same group. I would like to take the element-wise block mean every 5 elements such that my cell array may be condensed into 256*256*103. How may I do that?
I had success applying reshape function to 2D arrays, but am not quite sure how to proceed in this case.
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

This works, right?
M = rand(256,256,515); % Use your actual data here
M_r = reshape(M,256,256,103,5);
M_r_mean = mean(M_r,4);