MATLAB: GriddedInterpolant .m code file


I am trying to create a program on python based on one i made on MATLAB.
I used griddedInterpolant:
F = griddedInterpolant(X,Y,Z,V,method,extrap)
but when i am trying to open the .m file in order to see the exact process and made the same on python i only get a file with comments. Where can i see the exact steps MATLAB uses for this function?

Best Answer

I suggest you to pick a numerical method book and read it......this interpolation is not that tough to implement. Such scattered interpolations depend on nearest neighboring points. Algorithm:
1. Run a loop for every point of the new grid
2. Get the neighboring points of the i'th point in the old grid.
3. Do the average of the values. (Average many options are avl.)
4. Assign the average value to the i'th point.