MATLAB: Graph::bipartite


Could someone please explain to me how to use this function? I guess I'm doing something wrong because it does not work for me. I'm using Matlab R2013a, maybe it's a problem? If so, is it possible to use this function on my version of Matlab. Or maybe I need some sort of extra software to be able to use this? I just feel lost.

Best Answer

That function only works inside the MuPAD Notebook interface, not inside a MATLAB function or at the MATLAB Command Prompt [*]. You will need Symbolic Math Toolbox to use that capability. If you have this toolbox installed (you can check this using the ver function) you can open a MuPAD Notebook using the command:
Inside that Notebook, to the right of the [ prompt, type the following:
G := Graph([a, b, c], [[a, b], [b, c]]):
Graph::bipartite(G, Lists);
Graph::bipartite(G, Bool)
[*] Technically it is possible, via the use of the evalin and feval methods of symengine, to execute these commands from inside a MATLAB function or at the prompt, but it's not so easy to execute a group of commands at once.