MATLAB: Graph cumulative sum against percentage


I want a graph of the cumulative percentage of two random dices that add up to 6 as a percentage of the total throws (in the subplot (2,1,2).
Any advice would be great.

Best Answer

Use randi() and plot(). Put in a loop over a million iterations if you want to do a Monte Carlo Simulation. It's just basic programming.
numberOfThrows = 1000000
die1 = randi(6, [numberOfThrows, 1]);
die2 = randi(6, [numberOfThrows, 1]);
sixCount = 0;
for t = 1 : numberOfThrows
thisThrow1 = die1(t);
thisThrow2 = die2(t);
theSum = thisThrow1 + thisThrow2;
if theSum == 6
sixCount = sixCount + 1;
% etc. - I'm sure you can finish it.