MATLAB: GPU parallel computing error with Quadro RTX 5000

gpu parallel computingParallel Computing Toolbox

I've been using a Tesla GPU card with 6GB RAM with R2012a for a number of years and it has worked well. But now I need to work on larger matrix sizes (e.g., 8192×8192 fft2) the good old Tesla card can't handle anymore. So recently we bought a new Quadro RTX 5000 with 16GB RAM. The 10.1 NVidia driver installed successfully:
Then I ran the following test code (gputest.m):
M = 4095;
a = rand(M); %Create M*M matrix of random numbers

b = gpuArray(a); %Send the array to GPU memory

c = 2*b; %Perform some operation

It runs sucessfully. But when I change M to 4096:
M = 4096;
a = rand(M); %Create M*M matrix of random numbers
b = gpuArray(a); %Send the array to GPU memory
c = 2*b; %Perform some operation
>> gputest
Error using parallel.gpu.GPUArray/mtimes
An unexpected error occurred trying to launch a kernel. The CUDA error
Error in gputest (line 8)
c = 2*b; %Perform some operation
It seems the maximum matrix size the new Quadro RTX 5000 card can handle is 4095×4095. I can transfer larger matrices to GPU (b = gpuArray(a) with M > 4095 doesn't give errors), just can't perform any operations on them. Any ideas? Are there some settings for the GPU driver I need to change?
Thank you.

Best Answer

I'm amazed this works at all, frankly, since 2012 is about 5 generations of GPU architecture ago. Anyway, there are known issues with Turing cards and the PTX JIT compilation path. I'm afraid to say, you're going to have to upgrade MATLAB for this to work.