MATLAB: GPU imdilate of 3D volume

3d volumegpuimdilateMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

I am using imdilate very frequently in my code, so speeding up this process would give me a huge performace benefit. Therefore I am trying to run it on the GPU.
se_c = ((X).^2+(Y).^2+(Z).^2<1);
C = imdilate(gpuArray(uint8(G)),gpuArray(se_c));
The following error message is issued: Error using morphopInputParser (line 48) Expected structuring element to be 2-D.
Is there a way to perform an image dilation of a 3D volume by a 3D structuring element using the GPU?

Best Answer

No, this isn't possible unless you wish to write your own implementation. You are not the first to request this feature, it has been noted, and thanks for giving your feedback.
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