MATLAB: GPU computation error: please help

gpuMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

HI all, I want to use GPU in my research. I downloaded simple example from mathworks (code is attached). Basically, code is:
A = magic(5000);
AonGPU = gpuArray(A);
f = ones(1,20)/20;
BonGPU = filter(f, 1, AonGPU);
On the last line there is an error:
Error using parallel.gpu.GPUArray/filter An unexpected error occurred trying to launch a kernel. The CUDA error was: CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE.
Error in ex_gpu (line 14) BonGPU = filter(f, 1, AonGPU);
Can someone help please? My GPU is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti (According to device manager), Windows 7 64 bit. I've installed the latest driver, as listed here

Best Answer

GOt it, just another commands in 2012 version.