MATLAB: GMM & EM algorithm for mammogram classification

em algorithmgmmlog-liklihoodmammogram

I try to estimate a mammogram by Gaussian mixture model and then obtain log-likelihood image.I initialize Mu & Sigma with kmeans but when I use gmdistribution command there is an error : "the shared diagonal covariance must be a row vector with the same number of columns as Mu"
or when I want to write code for EM function I face to an error at the first step:"undefined function or method… for input argument of type 'uint8','double','single',…and I don't know what type I should use(my input is an image). I will appreciate if someone guide me what to do. thank you

Best Answer

When it says "undefined function or method... for input argument" you need to have the function name (which you omitted and replaced by dot dot dot) actually defined somewhere, either in your m-file, or in another m-file on the search path.