MATLAB: Given y, how to find the value for x

interp1 for x value

I plotted the function:
x = 0:0.01:2;
I want to know the x value when y=1. I want to use an interp1 function, but that will only give me y values. Is there a function to find x values?
Also, I can't get my x-axis correct. I want it to span 0-2 (the value I'm looking for is around 1.3) with step sizes of 0.001 (for more precision). Currently, it goes 0 to 200 and I'm at a loss of what to do.
Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

>> f2 = @(y)arrayfun(@(y)fzero(@(x)1.96./x.*(1-exp(-0.83.*x))-y,1),y);
>> f2([.03 1 12])
ans =
65.333 1.2859 -3.8605