MATLAB: Given that you have this line of code how do you count the number of points in each quadrant


Classical = pdist2(matrix_logdiff_nsample, mean(matrix_logdiff_nsample),'mahal');
p = size(matrix_logdiff_nsample,2);
chi2quantile = chi2inv(0.99,p);
[SFmcd, MFmcd, Fmcd, OutFmcd] = robustcov(matrix_logdiff_nsample);
plot(Classical, Fmcd, 'o')
line([chi2quantile, chi2quantile], [0, 120], 'color', 'r')
line([0, 80], [chi2quantile, chi2quantile], 'color', 'r')
hold on
plot(Classical(OutFmcd), Fmcd(OutFmcd), 'b*')
xlabel('Mahalanobis Distance')
ylabel('Robust Distance')
title('Distance Plot, Fast MCD method')

Best Answer

You just need to modify either of the two answers received for similar questions in the past (listed under your question).
To modify this answer, you just need to replace the centerPoint_x, centerPoint_y values with the coordinates you're using to define the quadrants.
Based on your image it would look something like,
centerPoint_x = 15; % approximate guess based on image

centerPoint_y = 18; % approximate guess based on image