MATLAB: GetVariable from function in visual basic script

automation servervisual basic

I am using the matlab automation server to call a function from a vb script
Result = Matlab.Execute("z=first([2 7],[1 5])") this is a function that ads the values of the 2 vectors and this works
Matlab.GetVariable("z","base") But when i try to get the variable from this function, i get the following error
error: cannot use quotation marks when calling a sub value
Does anybody knows what seems to be the problem with this? Or is not possible to get a variable from a function
thanks in advance

Best Answer

when I do this it works fine:
Set ml = CreateObject("MATLAB.application")
ml.Execute ("z = rand(1)")
Val = ml.GetVariable("z", "base")
msgbox Val
Val then contains the value of z (choosed rand(1) to get one value only so that i can display it easily). What is your full code?