MATLAB: Getting the Polynomial coefficients

coeffspolynomial coefficientsym2poly

I am trying to identify if a given function is polynomial or not and if it is polynomial what the coefficients are. For example;
sym F x
F= 5*x^5+cos(x)*x^2+1 % This is not polynomial because of cos(x) and I want to identify that.
[c,t] = coeffs(F);
PolyCoef = sym2poly(F);
c =
[ 5, 1, 1] % no cos(x) is given in here
>> t
t =
[ [x^5, 1], [x^2, x], [1, 1]] % no cos (x) is given in here
and sym2poly will give error. I am okay with the error as long as it does not stop the program and tell me that input function is not polynomial.
Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

Part I
You are using SYM() while using SYMS style of command. They are different. So change sym F x to syms F X or if you insist on using sym() then you need to use it properly such as F=sym('F')'
Part II
You can use that error to determine both the coefficient and if it was polynomial or not. You can use try/catch as follows:
PolyCoef = sym2poly(F);
disp('that was not a polynomial')
In this case the program is not halted. If the statement(s) between catch and end (catch block) is only executed if, the statements between try and catch (try block), i.e. PolyCoef = sym2poly(F) in this case, produces any error. Refer to try/catch for further info on that.