MATLAB: Am I getting the complex number in the for loop

complexfor loopmatrix

I was trying to compute a matrix of values using the following codes (simplified):
n = 5;
xk = zeros(n+1);
for i = 0:n
Tempprod = 1;
for j = 0:n
xk(i+1,j+1) = cos(pi*(2j+1)/(2*(n+1)));
The output of the above code is
xk =
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i 1.1014 - 0.1418i
However, if I tried to compute one single value, say , I tried
and Matlab gave me the answer:
ans =
So what I went wrong in the codes before? How can I fix it?

Best Answer

Try not to use variable name i and j. Try this
clear all
or you missed one "*"