MATLAB: Getting ‘Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch’ error when the image dimensions match

dimension mismatchimageMATLAB

I am trying to overlay one image on another and I keep getting a dimension mismatch error. Here is the relevant block of code:
img = imread('image');
pass = imread('passimage');
v6th = size(img,1)/6;
h6th = size(img,2)/6;
img(round(v6th-size(pass,1)/2):round(v6th+size(pass,1)/2),1:size(pass,2),1:3) = pass;
For reference:
size(pass) == 26, 64, 3
size(img) == 1051, 1425, 3
I have checked that round(v6th-size(pass,1)/2):round(v6th+size(pass,1)/2) evaluates to 162:188 totaling 26.
I am trying to eventually end up with something like this:

Best Answer

162 to 188 is 27 numbers, NOT 26.
>> length(162:188)
ans =
Recheck your math.