MATLAB: Getting Pop-up menu output as Excel sheet for plotting


hi everyone,
i am creating a gui which will help to compare the data from two selected sheets of excel file via plotting, excel file consist of various sheets. i am using one pusbutton for importing the excel file and two popup menu button for selection of two desired sheets of excel file and finally one axes to plot the data. my problem is that when i select a particular sheet from popup menu its not getting selected as file.

Best Answer

Varun - I don't understand this line of code
data111=xlsread(handles.popupmenuX,' data11')
Why are you using the handle of the popupmenu (X) as the file name? In your initial code post, you are using a filename field from the handles structure. Why the change? Also, why are you putting data11 in quotes? (Again this differs from your initial code post...)