MATLAB: Getting list of non-native dependent functions


Hi I'm wondering if there is any easy way to get a list of the functions that a given function is dependent on but excluding matlab own functions (and those of the common toolboxes).
A bit of back ground: I regularly need to send code to students/coworkers but I often call functions that I've written previously and are in my path. Obviously to share the code I also need to find and send these dependencies. I've tried depfun but it's very slow and produces a list of all the many functions that the recipient invariably has in a standard matlab install. Thanks!

Best Answer

Yes, MATLAB can generate a Dependency Report that should tell you what you need to know.
There was a blog post on it a few years ago that givesan overview. Note that the menu layout has changed since the blog was written; the tool is now under the "Gears" icon in the Current Folder browser.