MATLAB: Getting Kinect sensor data from matlab

depthframeexternal interfaceskinectMATLAB

I have kinect for PC and the new microsoft kinect SDK (not the beta). I was able to connect to the kinect from Matlab (using net.addassembly(<microsoft.kinect.dll>), and register an event listener (e.g., to DepthFrameReady event using addlistener). My event handler get called indeed (30 times a sec), but, when I copy the image data in the event handler to a matlab int8 array (using, DepthFrame.CopyPixelDataTo(frameBits)), the resulting matlab array, frameBits, is all zeros.
Any help on how to get the data from kinect sensor using microsft sdk would be highly appriciated.

Best Answer

OK, found the solution to my problem.I guess there aren't many poeple out there working with the kinect through Matlab...
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