MATLAB: Getting inside points of cuboid

cuboidinside points

Hello all , I have all information about a cuboid (vertices,faces,L,B and H also) , how can I get all inside points of the cuboid ? Thanks in advance .

Best Answer

xvec = 0 : B;
yvec = 0 : L;
zvec = 0 : H;
[X, Y, Z] = ndgrid(xvec, yvec, zvec);
is_in_cuboid = true(size(X));
Xc = X(is_in_cuboid);
Yc = Y(is_in_cuboid);
Zc = Z(is_in_cuboid);
pointsize = 20;
scatter3(Xc, Yc, Zc, pointsize, 'filled')