MATLAB: Getting First Cycle in Simulink

simulink first cycle

I have a requirement, where I need to initialize some outputs during initialization to some specific values, and later their values might change as time elapses. So what I did is, I connected a Constant block (1) to a Unit Delay(1/z) passed it to a Not Gate and the output of which is given to a Triggered subsystem, where I'll initialize the outputs. Is this gonna work ? Or please suggest some other technique, if any ?

Best Answer

There are different ways to do the initialization. The Outport block has initial value. You can initialize through that. For complex initialization, you can put all those initialization in a subsystem, make it an Enabled subsystem or triggered subsystem. Then use some types of logic to switch between the initialization algorithm and your regular algorithm. At the output, use the Merge block to create the final output you want.