MATLAB: Getting error as integralParseArgs


Hi all,
i am trying to solve the above equation in matlab, but when i am trying to substitute the alp values and x1 values in code and i am getting an error as matrix dimensions must agree while solving the code
any suggestions and thanks in advance
format short
ro= 17.5; R = 65; %polar boss opening radius and radius of cylinder
wa= asind(ro/R); b= 1.225*ro; % winding angle
x = b:5:R;
y = ro:0.45:b;
x1 = x/R;
y1 = y/R;
alp = asind(ro./x); alp1 = asind(ro./y);
i = zeros(size(alp));
j= zeros(size(x1));
for c = 1:numel(alp,x1)
func1= @(x)((cosd(wa).*(x.^3))./((sqrt(1-(x.^3))).*((cosd(wa)*cosd(wa)).*((x.^2).*(1+(x.^2)))-(sind(alp).*sind(alp)))));
i(c) = integral(func1,1,alp(c),x1(c));

Best Answer

Which variable represent ρ is not clear. Also, the syntax for calling integral is incorrect. Try this code
format short
ro= 17.5; R = 65; %polar boss opening radius and radius of cylinder
wa= asind(ro/R); b= 1.225*ro; % winding angle
x = b:5:R;
y = ro:0.45:b;
x1 = x/R;
y1 = y/R;
alp = asind(ro./x); alp1 = asind(ro./y);
i = zeros(size(alp));
j= zeros(size(x1));
for c = 1:numel(alp)
func1= @(x)((cosd(wa).*(x.^3))./((sqrt(1-(x.^3))).*((cosd(wa)*cosd(wa)).*((x.^2).*(1+(x.^2)))-(sind(alp(c)).*sind(alp(c))))));
i(c) = integral(func1,1,x(c));