MATLAB: Getting data from mfile to simulink


I have a set of code which is working fine when i run it individually as matlab script. Now, I have made a model in simulink and i want my model to get the values from that matlab script. For ex- instead of specifying the value of 'A' in simulink model, i want the value of A to be imported from my mfile whenever i run my simulink model. Please help

Best Answer

For this kind of situation, the best thing to do is to use From Workspace block. But its usage is a little different, so let me try to explain with a small example. All you need to do is to define A in workspace(this is compulsory, or you can define the necessary values in File->Model Properties->Callbacks->PreLoadFcn) and do the following:
Imagine that your A value, either a scalar or a vector, has to be supplied to your Simulink model with a proper time vector which will imitate Simulink's simulation time. For instance, a numeric approach:
A=randi([1 10],1001,1);
A is a column vector with length of 1001. Then, your time vector also has to be length of 1001. Then, you need to form 1001x2 multidimensional array as
%column vector
data=[time A];
When you write the variable data into the From Workspace block, Simulink will automatically know that the first column is the time vector, starting from the second column(could have been more A vector), datas will be coming. This approach is the best and simplest for supplying data from workspace to Simulink model.