MATLAB: Getting an error: Error using .* Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.


After running the following code I am getting this error in the pol2cart function
[srad,sang,S] = specxture(f);
function [ srad, sang, S] = specxture( f )
S = fftshift(fft2(f));
%imtool (S);

S = abs(S);
[M, N] = size(S);
x0 =uint8(M/2+1);
y0 =uint8(N/2+1);
rmax = uint8((min(M, N)/2)-1);
srad = zeros(1, rmax);
srad(1) = S(x0, y0);
%imtool (S);
for r = 2:rmax
[xc, yc] = halfcircle(r, x0, y0);
srad(r) = sum(S(sub2ind(size(S), xc, yc)));
[xc, yc] = halfcircle(rmax, x0, y0);
sang = zeros(1, length(xc));
for a = 1:length(xc)
[xr, yr] = radial(x0, y0, xc(a), yc(a));
sang(a) = sum(S(sub2ind(size(S), xr, yr)));
S = mat2gray(log(1+S));
function [xc, yc] = halfcircle(r, x0, y0)
theta = 91:270;
theta = double(theta*pi/180);
[xc, yc] = pol2cart(theta, r);
xc = round(xc)'+x0;
yc = round(yc)'+y0;
function [x,y,z] = pol2cart(th,r,z)
x = r.*cos(th);
y = r.*sin(th);

Best Answer

You define rmax as uint8 . Your for loop with rmax as upper bound then becomes uint8 . You are passing that r to halfcircle and passing that uint8 to pol2cart along with the vector of double for theta. The operation of pol2cart involves r.*cos(theta) . With theta being a vector of double this becomes uint8 .* vector of double . That operation is not defined.
The workaround is to loop the pol2cart so that you pass in only a scalar theta as combining uint8 and scalar double is defined . You would then get out the x and y calculated in uint8 that you seem to be looking for.
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