MATLAB: Getting an array with data

array matrix

I have a question regarding getting data from an array
I have one array of data. lets say (array 1):
Index Speed # 1 5 # 2 9 # 3 4 # 4 5
(index 1 has value 5 , index 2 has value 9 etc)
I made another array (array= indexdata) which contain the indexnumbers of the values which are interested for me ( lets say i only want to look at index number two which has the value 2).
So how can i program that matlab makes a new array of the values of the first arrays, whose indeces are listed in the second array,
it sounds complicated but what i want is easy 🙂

Best Answer

So ,
array1 = [ 5 9 4 5] % original array
array2 = [ 2 4 ] % array of indices
array3 = array1(array2) % elements from array1 as per indices listed in array 2