MATLAB: Getting a script to continue to ask for a user specified input value until a certain input is entered.


Hello, I first just want to say how helpful this site is. Anyway, I am trying to create a script where as soon as the script is run, it automatically goes back to the start and asks a user for a new input, and will terminate when the user enters 0 as the input value. Script is shown below for reference:
x = input('Enter kilowatt-hour used, (Enter 0 to terminate): ');
if x <= 300
cost = 0.09*x;
elseif x <= 600
cost = 300*0.09 + 0.08*(x-300);
elseif x <= 1000
cost = 300*0.09 + 0.08*300 + 0.06*(x-600);
cost = 300*0.09 + 0.08*300 + 0.06*400 + 0.05*(x- 1000);
disp(['The total cost is ', num2str(cost), ' dollars'])
I have all the calculations done, I just need a bit of guidance for getting it to continually ask for an x=input (shown on second line) when the script file is run , and finally terminate when the user enters 0 when prompted for an input. Is there a relatively simple way of doing this?
Any help at all is greatly appreciated, Thanks.

Best Answer

Here you go =)
while 1
x = input('etc etc');
if x == 0
elseif x <= 300
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