MATLAB: Getting a j x k Matrix from j and k-dimensional Vectors Without a For Loop


Suppose I have two column vectors:
J = j x 1 vector
K = k x 1 vector
And I want to create a j x k matrix, W:
W = j x k matrix
where the columns of W are formed by multiplying the corresponding element of K by the vector J.
The for loop to create W looks like this :
% J = j x 1 vector
% K = k x 1 vector
W = zeros(length(J),length(K));
for i = 1:1:length(K)
W(:,i) = K(i)*J;
Numerical example:
J = [1 2 3]';
K = [4 5]';
should result in
W =
4 5
8 10
12 15
Is there any way I can avoid the for loop here? Thanks!

Best Answer

>> J*K'
ans =
4 5
8 10
12 15