MATLAB: Getgenbank function not working

Bioinformatics ToolboxgetgenbankMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

I have been trying to use the getgenbank function to access some nucleotides from NCBI. Whenever I try to do this I get an error that says the key cannot be found in the database at this time. I have also tried doing this in the sequence viewer where it also does not work. However, in the sequence viewer I can access data from the European Nucleotide Archive. I assume that this error is caused by matlab not supporting the latest format of the NCBI database but I am not sure.

Best Answer

Dear Aiden,
This problem is probably due to some recent changes in the web protocol from the NCBI (see here). You are not the first to walk into this problem. Paola Favaretto posted the workaround at that same question. Please upvote that answer.
Hope this works out for you.