MATLAB: Getframe moving view error

graphMATLAB Online Server

while using getframe and the view is changing every iteration. It says cdata should be of same size. i found out that the frame size shouldn't change from a friend, but how do I determine the frame size? is there a way where i don't have to manually set the frame size even though the view is changing? In the below code the graph once saved is out of frame.
x = linspace(0,1,100);
y = linspace(0,2,200);
t = linspace(0,1,100);
z = zeros(length(x),length(y),length(t));
for count = 1:length(t)
z(:,:,count) = sin(2*pi*t(count)*x'*y/0.5)*t(count)^2;
[Y,X] = meshgrid(y,x);
for count = 1:length(t)
zlim([-1 1]);
colormap jet;
view([30-0.5*count 35])
frame(count) = getframe(gcf, [10 10 520 400]);
vidobj = VideoWriter('meshgridtrial.avi');
vidobj.Quality = 100;
vidobj.FrameRate = 20;
I am getting this error:
Error using getframe (line 125)
The specified rectangle is not fully contained within the figure. MATLAB no longer supports this capability.
Error in animation_trial2 (line 33)
frames(i) = getframe(gca,[0 0 600 600]);

Best Answer

Since you are using getframe on the figure, so the size of cdata shouldn't matter. In your above code, you can use the following line
frame(count) = getframe(gcf);