MATLAB: Get_param(​annotation​,’Text’) has inconsistent format


I am trying to obtain the annotation texts from all of my subsystems in Simulink programmatically, and then edit them.
First, I tried to use set_param (annotation, 'PlainText', annotationtext) but it turns out that 'PlainText' is read-only.
Then, I started using get_param (annotation, 'Text') to obtain the text because 'Text' is not read-only, so I can edit that.
However, when i use get_param for 'Text', the text is sometimes obtained in html format for some subsystems, and sometimes in in plain format for other subsystems. Thus, I cannot create a generic script to edit the text because sometimes I get it in html format and sometimes in plain format. Why does this happen? How can I obtain all text in plain format by using the 'Text' property?

Best Answer

I now found the answer, if I change the 'Interpreter' to 'off', I can obtain plain text.