MATLAB: Get y coordinate for x = 0 from linear trendline


Hi. I have a scatter of three coordinates:
%scattered values (y1...4 are numbers between 0 & 1, x1...4 are numbers between 0 & 100)
yVect = [y1, y2, y3, y4];
xVect = [x1, x2, x3];
%scatter plot & trendline
plot = figure;
ST_533 = axes('Parent',plot);
ylim([0 1]);
Poly = polyfit(xVect,yVect,1);
x = linspace(0,100,5000);
Trend = polyval(Poly,x);
hold on
Now I need to find the y-value at which the trendline passes through the y-axes (so when x equals zero). Any Idea how I can do this? I've been searching for quite a while and couldn't find anything so far. Thanks!

Best Answer

I just figured it out. It won't work for all types of trend lines, but it solves my problem. Since x starts at zero, I can easily find it by typing
A = Trend(1);
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