MATLAB: Do I get warning messages regarding inconsistent sample times when an asynchronous block drives another asynchronous block in Simulink 7.3 (R2009a)


I have a model where I connected an outport from one asynchronous model reference to the input of another asynchronous model reference block. When I start the simulation, I get the following warning messages:
Warning: Inconsistent sample times. Sample time ([-1, -1.#INF]) of signal
driving input port 2 of 'test/MyModel_B' differs
from the expected sample time ([-1, -5]) at this input port.
Warning: Inconsistent sample times. Sample time ([-1, -1.#INF]) of signal
driving input port 2 of 'test/MyModel_C' differs
from the expected sample time ([-1, -6]) at this input port.
Warning: Inconsistent sample times. Sample time ([-1, -1.#INF]) of signal
driving input port 4 of 'test/MyModel_C' differs
from the expected sample time ([-1, -6]) at this input port.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2010a (R2010a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
In Simulink 7.3 (R2009a), these warning messages are caused by unprotected rate transitions in the model. When the connected blocks have different asynchronous sample times, a rate transition occurs.
As a workaround, insert 2 rate transition blocks between the 2 asynchrounous blocks. Note that the first rate transition block transitions to the base rate while the second rate transition block transitions to the appropriate asynchronous sample time of the destination block. Also, in both the rate transition settings, enable "Ensure data integrity during data transfer" option and disable "Ensure deterministic data transfer (maximum delay)" option.