MATLAB: Get variables from the Matlab workspace

c++ mex s-functionMATLABmex compilersimulink

I am using C mex S-function to Generate a Simulink Block called sFct_Dyn_Block by the following mex file:
mex -D__SIM_MODE__ src_Dyn_Block\sFct_Dyn_Block.c src_Dyn_Block\Dyn_Block.c src_Dyn_Block\hyd_dyn.c src_Dyn_Block\hst.c
The sequence of my code:
  1. I run a matlab file called input_users.m to collect some user inputs
  2. the user inputs are now in matlab workspace
  3. when I run my mex class I need to pass these variables some how from matlab workspace to my hyd_dyn.c class
  4. finally when I run my simulink model the output of sFct_Dyn_Block should change every time according to the userinputs
I can't pass the userinput variables from matlab workspace to my hyd_dyn.c class, I tried everything for 4 days but nothing workout.
I appreciate any help !!

Best Answer

You should be using either inports or parameters to pass data from Matlab to you Simulink block. The "From Workspace" block works easily enough (you can just type in the name of your workspace variable). S-function parameters can be set in the Block Parameters window of the S-function block (double click on the block) and require a little more C code to set up properly, but is still easy enough. Does your S-function currently use any inputs?
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