MATLAB: Get Values From User using Edit Field Numeric in App Designer

app designeredit field numericget values form userget values from user using edit field numeric in app designer

Hi all, I want to get values from user for 4 parameters, then place them into the second part of the code.
% Callback function

function LengthEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
global L
value = app.LengthEditField.Value;
L = value;
% Callback function
function DiameterEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
global D
value1 = app.DiameterEditField.Value;
D = value1;
% Callback function
function RPMEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
global n
value3 = app.RPMEditField.Value;
n = value3;
% Callback function
function reciprocatingtimesEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
global S
value4 = app.reciprocatingtimesEditField.Value;
S = value4;
2nd part of the question
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
global a
global V_f
global L
global S
global n
global D
a = 10;
V_f = 15;
x = 1:50; %diameter
y = 1:50; %length
V_w = (V_f * pi * D * n)/(2*L*S);
for i = 1:length(y)
hor(i) = V_w * sqrt(2*y(i)/a);
i = i+1;
plot(y,hor, 'r')
hold on
for i=1:100;
k = y - i;
plot(k, hor, 'r')
hold on
m = -x - i;
plot(m, hor, 'b')
hold on
i= i +1;

Best Answer

Hi, Erkin in App Designer instead of using the keyword global, you can declare the variables as Public Property, which can be used inside and out of the app. The attached zip file contains the app for your reference, where I have modified your functions.
Hope this helps!