MATLAB: Do I get this error when using polyspace-configure: ERROR: No compilation unit detected in your build

Polyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder Server

I received an error sometimes when using the polyspace-configure. The error goes away when I run the same command the second time.
This is just a small nuisance when running the command manually in cmd prompt. But, this is fatal when the job runs on the build server – the whole job will crash.
Do you have any tips on what is happening?
Here is the error:
Update dependencies
polyspace-configure.exe -lang c -prog iocalc_wayp -allow-overwrite -allow-build-error -output-options-file iocalc_wayp.opt devenv /rebuild Release iocalc_wayp.vcxproj /useenv /nologo
1>—— Rebuild All started: Project: iocalc_wayp, Configuration: Release Win32
1> route.c
1> track.c
1> track_alarm.c
1> track_t.c
1> track_x.c
1> wayp.c
1> Generating Code…
1> iocalc_wayp.vcxproj -> C:\DpBasPolyspace\pu\io_syst\calc\wayp\c\Release\iocalc_wayp.lib
1> 1 file(s) copied.
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
polyspace-configure: 3s: ERROR: All programs detected are unknown: there is no matching compiler configuration. Executed programs are:
polyspace-configure: 3s: ERROR: devenv C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe
polyspace-configure: 3s: ERROR: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/IDE/
polyspace-configure: 3s: ERROR: Following compilers are recognized by polyspace-configure (with path to their compiler configuration):
polyspace-configure: 3s: ERROR: No compilation unit detected in your build.
Possible sources for this error are:
– Your build command does not compile any C/C++ files.
– Your compiler was not called. You must force a clean rebuild.
– Your compiler is unknown to Polyspace. You must write a compiler configuration.
– You use a compiler cache (such as ccache). You must deactivate it.
– You use a distributed build system (such as distmake). You must deactivate it.
– You use a -include-sources/-exclude-sources combination that filters out every source file. Consider setting -print-included-files and -print-excluded-files.
make: * [polyspace_config] Error 0x1

Best Answer

You are experiencing this sporadic crash because of the usage of, instead of devenv.exe. The workaround is to use devenv.exe instead of when you launch polyspace-configure. is a small trampoline that spawns devenv.exe then exits without waiting for devenv.exe to complete. polyspace-configure considers the build is complete when the root executable ( completes so the race condition between and devenv.exe causes it to sometimes stops sniffing before the end of the actual build.