MATLAB: Do I get this error Code generation does not support display for MATLAB classes. ‘dsp.HDLIFFT’ is a class.

dps.ifftHDL Coder

I am trying to call a function, which create dsp.IFFT system object, inside another for HDL Code generation.
My Code: %main function
function [out1,out2] = main(x,y,z)
%call subfunction 1
out1 = sub1(x);
%call subfunction 2
out2 = sub2(y,z);
subfucntion 2 codecode:
function [yOut,validOut] = HDLIFFT128(yIn,validIn)
persistent ifft128;
if isempty(ifft128)
ifft128 = dsp.HDLIFFT('FFTLength',128);
[yOut,validOut] = step(ifft128,yIn,validIn);

Best Answer

The connection between your two routines is not clear.
I suspect the problem might be because you have not put semi-colon on the end of your assignments to out1, so you are requesting that the result be displayed. If the result is not numeric then the coder will not know how to display it.
Note that you do not assign to out2 in your main function.