MATLAB: Do I get the error “Unable to create VISA object. The required drivers may not be installed properly.” when using the Instrument Control Toolbox 2.8 (R2009a)

gpibInstrument Control Toolboxvisa

I am trying to connect to a National Instruments GPIB device using VISA as follows:
gpibObj = visa('ni','gpib::20::INSTR');
When I do so, I get the following error message:
??? Error using ==> at 241
Unable to create VISA object. The required drivers may not be installed properly.
Type 'instrhelp visa' for more information.
I am using the following NI driver:
NI-488.2 2.7 – Real-Time OS, Windows 2000/Vista x64/Vista x86/XP

Best Answer

In order to be able to access your GPIB device using VISA you need to use a supported driver, which in this case would be:
National Instruments NI-VISA version 3.0 (or higher)
Instrument Control Toolbox - Supported Hardware - VISA
For more information on VISA see:
VISA Overview
If for some reason you cannot upgrade your VISA driver, then you can also access your GPIB device directly from MATLAB as it possesses this capability. For more information see:
Controlling Instruments Using GPIB