MATLAB: Do I get the error “The input data has inconsistent size” when evaluating an interpolant


I have created an interpolant "F", using the function "scatteredInterpolant". All of the input arguments "x", "y", and "v" have the same dimensions.
>> F = scatteredInterpolant(x, y, v);
When I try to evaluate the interpolant with a set of query points, I get an error:
>> vq = F(xq, yq)
Error using scatteredInterpolant/subsref
The input data has inconsistent size.

Best Answer

When evaluating an interpolant, the query point arguments must be matrices of equal size. If there is a mismatch in the dimensions of your query point matrices, an error message like the following will be generated:
Error using .../subsref
The input data has inconsistent size.
To resolve this error message, you must make sure that the matrices "xq", "yq" and "zq" have the same dimensions.