MATLAB: Get string value from GUI listbox

gui get listbox text

I have created a GUI and selected the listbox to list lots of countries.
I then need to know what country the user has selected. The text box should update accordingly. I have used this code:
ListBoxCheck = get(handles.listbox1,'String');
if(ListBoxCheck == Afghanistan)
elseif(ListBoxCheck == Argentina)
However, when I click on Argentina or Afghanistan I get this: Undefined function or variable 'Afghanistan'.
Error in VisaProcessor>listbox1_Callback (line 135) if(ListBoxCheck == Afghanistan)
Anyone know why or can help?

Best Answer

After reading a little bit more about listboxes I know what the problem is. When you do
ListBoxCheck = get(handles.listbox1,'String'); you get a cell array of strings with all the countries. The if condition will not work this way.
The property that changes when you click on a name is the Value property. So instead of what you have, use
listBoxStrings = get(handles.listbox1,'String');
ListBoxValue = get(handles.listbox1,'Value');
if(find(strcmp(ListBoxString,'Afghanistan')) == ListBoxValue)
elseif(find(strcmp(ListBoxString,'Argentina')) == ListBoxValue)
Answered by Yoav Livneh