MATLAB: Get regions from treebagger

random forestStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxtreebagger

I have a random forest, trained through treeBagger function. I need to check for the new point x, whether it results in a same region R_t for all t, with historical point x_j, for all j. Please let me know me how I can get it.
Best, Afshin

Best Answer

Thanks for the clarification!
Let me assume that you've trained an ensemble of trees using the TreeBagger function, and that this bag of trees is called 'B'.
A cell vector of the trained CompactRegressionTree subtrees is stored in the ‘Trees’ property of B. Assuming that you’ve extracted one of these trees, ‘tree1’, as follows,
tree1 = B.Trees{1};
You can determine the leaf node that determines the predicted output for the observation (or array of observations) X, using the 'predict' function:
[~,node] = predict(tree1,X)
If you would like the parent of the leaf node (e.g, the node that ‘splits’ the data), you can look up the node’s parent in the ‘Parent’ property of ‘tree1’:
splittingNode = tree1.Parent(node);