MATLAB: Get only numbers from serial port without any str2num() conversion


Hi all!
In the serial com port channel values comes from 0 to 1023, this example from Arduino:
On the MATLAB side I parse it via function:
function sPs = GetsP()
global obj1;
sPs = 0;
Psvoltage = fscanf(obj1);
if (~isempty(Psvoltage))
sPs = str2num(Psvoltage) * (100 / 1023);
But I dont like this variant, because str2num() conversion is very slow. If I try to use Psvoltage = fread(obj1, 1, 'ushort'); I didnt see correct data, because fread() reads binary data.
So the question is: How can I try to read direct number data, without any slow string to number conversion? How can I need to use fread() to get numbers?

Best Answer

str2num() uses a full eval() . str2double() is faster. You can also use fscanf with a format specifier,
fscanf(obj1, '%d')